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Why is voting important essay

Why is voting important essay

why is voting important essay

Web19/10/ · Voting in Canada is more important now than ever. At the last federal election on October 19th , there was an overall voter turnout of %. This was the highest Web8/02/ · Short Essay on Importance of Voting is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Citizens of the country constantly complain about how our political climate is bad and WebVoting is very important to us American citizens for many reasons. One reason why voting it significant is because it is our duty as Americans. Allowing us to vote is giving

15 Reasons Why Voting Is Important? - Curious Desire

But what does it really mean? And what does it mean for Americans in particular? Civics, Social Studies, U. Typically in the United States, national elections draw large numbers of voters compared to local elections. A History of Voting in the United States Today, most American citizens over the age of 18 are entitled to vote in federal and state electionsbut voting was not always a default right for all Americans. The United States Constitution, as originally written, did not define specifically who could or could not vote—but it did establish how the new country would vote. Article why is voting important essay of the Constitution determined that members of the Senate and House of Representatives would both why is voting important essay elected directly by popular vote.

The president, however, would be elected not by direct vote, why is voting important essay, but rather by the Electoral College. Because the Constitution did not specifically say who could vote, this question was largely left to the states into the s. In most cases, landowning white men were eligible to vote, while white women, black people, and other disadvantaged groups of the why is voting important essay were excluded from voting known as disenfranchisement. While no longer explicitly excluded, voter suppression is a problem in many parts of the country. Some politicians try to win reelection by making it harder for certain populations and demographics to vote.

These politicians may use strategies such as reducing polling locations in predominantly African American or Lantinx neighborhoods, or only having polling stations open during business hours, when many disenfranchised populations are working and unable to take time off. It was not until the 15th Amendment was passed in that black men were allowed to vote. Why is voting important essay even so, many would-be voters faced artificial hurdles like poll taxesliteracy tests, and other measures meant to discourage them from exercising their voting right. This would continue until the 24th Amendment inwhich eliminated the poll tax, and the Voting Rights Act ofwhich ended Jim Crow laws. With these amendments removing the previous barriers to voting particularly sex and racetheoretically all American citizens over why is voting important essay age of 21 could vote by the mid s.

Later, inthe American voting age was lowered to 18, building on the idea that if a person was old enough to serve their country in the military, they should be allowed to vote. Why Your Vote Matters If why is voting important essay ever think that just one vote in a sea of millions cannot make much of a difference, consider some of the closest elections in U. InAl Gore narrowly lost the Electoral College vote to George W. The election came down to a recount in Florida, where Bush had won the popular vote by such a small margin that it triggered an automatic recount and a Supreme Court case Bush v.

In the end, Bush won Florida by 0. Had more pro-Gore voters gone to the polls in Florida that November, there may have been an entirely different president from — More recently, Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in by securing a close Electoral College win. Your vote may not directly elect the president, but if your vote joins enough others in your voting district or county, your vote undoubtedly matters when it comes to electoral results. There are also local and state elections to consider. While presidential or other national elections usually get a significant voter turnout, local elections are typically decided by a much smaller group of voters.

A Portland State University study found that fewer than 15 percent of eligible voters were turning out to vote for mayors, council members, and other local offices. Low turnout means that important local issues are determined by a limited group of voters, making a single vote even more statistically meaningful. How You Can Make Your Voice Heard If you are not yet 18, or are not a U. citizen, why is voting important essay, you can still participate in the election process. You may not be able to walk into a voting booth, but there are things you can do to get involved:. Participating in elections is one of the key freedoms of American life. Many people in countries around the world do not have the same freedom, nor did many Americans in centuries past, why is voting important essay.

No matter what you believe or whom you support, it is important to exercise your rights. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. For information on user permissions, why is voting important essay, please read our Terms of Service. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact ngimagecollection natgeo.

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Resource Library ARTICLE. Resource Library. Why Voting Is Important, why is voting important essay. Grades 5 - Subjects Civics, Social Studies, U. Image Americans Voting Typically in the United States, national elections draw large numbers of voters compared to local elections. Hill Street Studios. Selected text level. Background Info Vocabulary. You may not be able to walk into a voting booth, but there are things you can do to get involved: Be informed! Read up on political issues both local and national and figure out where you stand.

Get out and talk to people. Even if you cannot vote, you can why is voting important essay voice opinions on social media, in your school or local newspaper, or other public forums. You never know who might be listening. If you support a particular candidate, you can work on their campaign by participating in phone banks, doing door-to-door outreach, writing postcards, or volunteering at campaign headquarters. Your work can help get candidates elected, even if you are not able to vote yourself. Media Credits The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. Director Tyson Brown, National Geographic Society. Production Managers Gina Borgia, National Geographic Society.

Program Specialists Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society, why is voting important essay. User Permissions. Media If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. Text Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Interactives Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. Related Resources.

Essay on Right to Vote in India - Essay Writing on Right to Vote in India - English

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Why Voting Is Important - Success Essays

why is voting important essay

Web1/11/ · 15 Reasons Why Voting Is Important? 1. Voting Is A Way For The Community To Really Make Changes Voting is a great opportunity to make a change for the 2. Web10/08/ · Voting is important because it shows that we pay attention to politics, the issues of the day, and to get your voice heard. A reason why voting is important is Web19/10/ · Voting in Canada is more important now than ever. At the last federal election on October 19th , there was an overall voter turnout of %. This was the highest

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